CAR INSURCE - 7 most absurd lies used to rig car insurance and other ~ BláBláBlá

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015


CAR INSURCE - 7 most absurd lies used to rig car insurance and other

         NY - How far would you say that's the greed of a person? Accustomed to the lies that your customers have, insurance industry professionals respond that there are no limits. Beyond change overnight CEP to pay a lower value on car insurance, some people topam everything to receive compensation, to take his own life. "There are hundreds and even thousands of cases of people who mutilate themselves to get compensation. As Machiavelli wrote in 'The Prince', 'Men forget more quickly the death of their father than the loss of heritage', "says Paul Kurpan, Superintendent of Planning and Service Center of Strategy and Protection to Insurance of the National Confederation of Enterprises Insurance (CNseg). In 2012, the scale fraud cost insurers the equivalent of 341 million reais, according to the CNSeg presented at the seminar "Prevention of Fraud Against Insurance", held last Friday (23), in São Paulo. But as many of the frauds occur without ever being discovered, the hole size can be much higher. It is estimated that fraud come to represent 20% of the total cost of the companies. "This is only an estimate of industry professionals, is a cabalistic number, but it is possible to say that if the fraud did not occur, these 20 percentage points could be reversed in cost savings for the consumer," says Kurpan. Although it is not possible to quantify the weight of all these lies, both for the industry and for the consumer's pocket, in a brief conversation with experts you can see that the hole is deep. In addition to beats lies, such as omitting a second driver to complete the survey of automobile insurance, insured create complex stories, and often tragic, to receive compensation. In an interview with, industry professionals elencaram some of the most absurd fraud they have experienced during their years in the profession. See below.

1) Accidental death which actually was natural 

Leonardo Girao, Service Desk Manager and Protection Insurance CNseg says that the compensation values ​​to the life insurance pay for accidental death are up to twice the compensation paid in the event of natural death. Therefore, they are not rare cases in which the circumstances of death are misleading. "I remember a case where the insured had a massive heart attack at a party and, for that death seemed accidental, took his body to the second floor of the building and threw him up there," he says. 

2) Car allegedly stolen, but sold in another country 

As Paul explains Kurpan, about 10 years it was very common for insured youngest to Bolivia or Paraguay to sell your car and claim that the vehicle was stolen. This practice is now less frequent, he said, because the borders began to be monitored by cameras that record the license plates of vehicles. He recalls one such case, caught by cameras, it was extremely embarrassing: "It was a very customer who charged the compensation, then we made an investigation and come to a video showing the customer across the border with the car. We call for a meeting with his wife, because the insurance was in her name, and leave the video running while we talked. Suddenly she pointed to the TV and said, 'Honey, found our car. " She continued watching and had a big surprise when she saw that her husband was driving the car. She did not know he had lied and we did not know that she did not know. We almost ended their marriage, "he says. Fraud in auto insurance are the most frequent. According to the CNSeg of 341 million reais spent on proven fraud last year, 173.4 million reais (about 50%) were spent on fraud in the automobile business.

3) Insured terminally ill anticipates the death benefit for the family with compensation 

"We've seen many cases where the sick person, knowing that you are terminally ill, end up sacrificing for the family, which is experiencing financial difficulties, receive compensation," says economist Lauro Vieira de Faria, the school advisor National Insurance. According to him, these extreme measures occur, for example, when the family is very indebted and fraud is seen as the last resort to resolve the issue. 

4) Homicide architected by relatives 

They are also rare cases of homicide policyholders who are not articulated by their own relatives, according to those interviewed. The Service Desk Manager and Protection Insurance CNseg remember a case where the wife planned the death of her husband to receive his compensation, as it was his beneficiary on insurance. "It is very common that bank managers have life insurance. There was one case of a woman who was the wife of a manager and had a cop lover. They murdered her husband to stay with the insurance," he says. Theresa Vollú, Business Manager, Health and People Services Center and Protection Insurance CNseg also recalls another tragic case in a clinic for the elderly. "The clinic staff were life insurance for the elderly by registering as beneficiaries. Then they said the elderly that they had to eat less and were brainwashed so strong that the elderly stopped eating and died of starvation, "he says.

5) Self-mutilation that turns industrial accident 

Amazingly , professional insurance market report that self-injury is a very common practice to defraud insurers . Leonardo Girão reminds one of the most emblematic cases of mutilation occurred with a gang of Santa Catarina : " The gang acted with the farmers. She was making a personal accident insurance for them and chopped off your fingers or hands to claim it was an accident at work and receive compensation. "
In 2008, the gang was dismantled in an action that became known as "Operation Five Fingers", after the State Prosecutor (MPE) investigated the case for six months, at the request of insurers. As reported by G1 portal, the EPC estimates that the blow has come to move 1.5 million reais. The gang paid 5% to 30% of the policy value to the farmer, worth between 60 and 700 thousand.

6) intentional Rollover 

During a lecture at the seminary in prevention fraue CNSeg, Attorney of Justice of the State of São Paulo, Roberto Tardelli cited a type of fraud not proven yet, but known in the middle. "There is a curve on the highway Régis Bittencourt [linking Paraná and São Paulo] that has been used for overturning cars. The insured pays the so-called 'capotador' to go through this curve and roll over the car so that it triggers the insurer pretending to have suffered an accident, and receive compensation. Fraud is so recurrent that these men just do this life, they are known as 'professional capotadores' "says Tardelli. Although not yet proven to be no case, other respondents also stated that this practice has occurred frequently. "The great problem of fraud is unable to determine the severity of the problem," said the prosecutor.

7) Caused fire

Sergio Roberto de Oliveira, legal director of Tokio Marine, cites a fraud conducted by an industry that shows very clearly the extent of the damage that this practice can cause. In 1997, this industry - he declined to specify -, suffered a fire which compensation would be 23 million. The case was investigated for 16 years and the insurer has spent 3 million reais in spending on experts, engineers, lawyers, etc. to prove the forging. "A lot of evidence showed that it was a fraud, as the fact that no person is in the industry that day. We had to pay a security company for a year to anyone entering the site and a team of specialists and engineers to remove and analyze the debris, "says Oliveira. According to him, several evidences contributed to prove fraud, but one of the keys to unlocking the case was discovered by the Institute for Technological Research experts. They concluded that in order to melt the steel pillar, the temperature at the site reached 1200 ° C, which would not be possible if the fire was caused by simple fuels like gasoline. "They found in the rubble to war artifacts and saw that whoever set the fire was not just anybody because it was something very planned," says Oliveira. He adds that despite spending any significance to the research processes of large fraud cases, which further penalizes the industry are small frauds caused by individuals. Topics: Insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance, Guide to Cars

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